San Giovanni La Punta, 95037 - Catania
Copyright © 2022 - 2023 Etna Poodels | Designed by D.M.
The fawn color must be uniform. It can range from a light fawn to a reddish fawn passing through the orange color (apricot) recognized in 1976. The red color was recognized only in 2004, but due to the great confusion in the birth of puppies (reds from apricot and vice versa) with variations of more or less light colors, in January 2016 apricot and red were unified and classified under the name of color FAWN.
All Fawns, from the beautiful deep color they have as puppies, sometimes lighten up to become almost cream-colored, and often only the ears remain of a darker color.
Eyelids, nose, lips, gums, palate, natural orifices, scrotum, and foot pads must be well pigmented.
For subjects with a light fawn color, all pigmentation should be as dark as possible.
Eyes are dark brown, but they can be almost black or a reddish-brown color.
Apricot coat texture is not uniform; sometimes dogs with thick and woolly coats can be observed, while others have silky and soft fur.
Coat management:
If we are dealing with a thick and woolly apricot coat, frequent brushing will be sufficient, otherwise, if the coat is silky and soft, special care and gentleness are needed. It is recommended to use soft brushes to avoid breaking the hair.
The FAWN Poodle is lively and cheerful but perhaps a bit too nervous and barky compared to others, however, like everything else, it depends on how it is raised and habits, there is never a rule.
Gray must be uniform, of a definite tone, neither blackish nor whitish.
The Gray/Silver Barbone is born black, at about one month the coat will begin to gradually lighten from the muzzle and paws and then will spread throughout the body, until it becomes a beautiful silver gray reaching the final color after 18 months and within 36.
As an adult, it can vary from a bright light platinum to a light gray and can also have some nuances.
The eyes are very dark, the pigmentation of lips, nose, and toenails are black, the latter are often gray.
The fur texture is generally softer than other colors with a very open curl.
Coat management:
Special care and gentleness are needed, it is recommended to use soft brushes to prevent breaking the hair.
The skin is of a gray tone, but can be almost black.
In these colorations, in case the dog injures the skin, the fur in that area will grow in a much darker color, and only after a long time and many shaves, it will return to its original color, becoming uniform again.